Thursday, December 28, 2006


Do you remember that short-lived jewel of a tv show, Herman's Head? I loved that show but didn't want to completely steal it so here it is...Holley's House! I also tossed out Chronicles of a Mad Librarian or Diary of a Mad White Woman because I decided that was just too focused on my being mad--you can decide for yourself which definition I intend :)

It's all in my profile but I am a 29 year old part-time graduate student/full-time librarian AND I would like to state for the record that there is not a single item of wool, brocade, plaid, or any other moth-eaten fabrics or patterns in my closet! Also, my tattoo makes me a prime target for the ISPCL, the International Society for the Prevention of Cool Librarians. Watch out Marian...we're taking over! :)

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