Saturday, May 2, 2009

grocery run

Add VideoI decided to go all nerdy on the grocery store so I got the recipes of what I wanted to cook, separated the ingredients out into their various elements, and put it all in a Google spreadsheet so I could work on it at home and at the library.  I went to the store last night armed with this spreadsheet and waged war on groceries.  I was so proud of my grocery cart that I walked around a bit more after I was done hoping people were looking in the fat girl's cart (yes, I actually took a picture of it in the middle of the store) and feeling ashamed of their own.  Sorry about that, but it's true.  

You should see my freezer!  I'm going to have to get some more storage containers!  I spent $152 and am estimating 91 meals from what I've cooked.  That may go up if I can get more than 8 servings out of one of the scheduled dishes.  That is roughly $1.67 per meal.  

So far, I have made and frozen:
taco soup - 15 servings
turkey lasagna - 12 servings
turkey meatloaf - 7 servings
chicken enchilada casserole - 12 servings

Ready-made things I purchased:
hotdogs (hebrew national, yum-meee!) - 4 servings
frozen turkey burgers - 6 servings
sliced deli turkey - 15 servings (I get it sliced thick, then cut those slices in half and freeze them.  They thaw super fast under the kitchen faucet so I don't have to wait if I want a yummy sandwich)

On the cooking agenda for tonight and tomorrow:
curried chicken and rice - estimated 12 servings
crockpot chicken & dumplings - estimated 8 servings

I already had some frozen green beans and broccoli so I also picked up some frozen corn, spinach, and cauliflower.  My fresh produce included apples, oranges, bananas, lettuce, carrots, onions, and garlic.

I do not apologize for volunteering you all to be my accountability partners :-)  If you made it this far down the post


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