Monday, February 22, 2010

working fun

The other day I participated in a live chat paranormal romance/urban fantasy roundtable author panel over at The participants included Kelley Armstrong, Jenna Black, Carolyn Crane, Alex Prentiss, Diana Rowland, and Lucy Snyder. You can see a replay/transcript on Suvudu's website.

Anyway, I jotted down some comments I wanted to remember and you deserve them too!

In talking about the explosion in the popularity of vampire/werewolf romances and the metaphorical importance of literature in general: "If it's not a metaphor, a vampire becomes just a large tick" - Alex Prentiss

A discussion arose about the differences between and among science fiction, fantasy (urban vs. traditional), romance, romantic suspense, etc. and how those already fuzzy lines are becoming increasingly indistinct: "It's nice to be able to write what the book needs, rather than what the genre dictates." -Lucy Snyder
I experienced this first hand during the discussion of Cherie Priest's Boneshaker at my sci-fi/fant bookgroup meeting last week. The question was, "Is this science fiction, fantasy, or horror?" A somewhat cutthroat lively discussion ensued. I am a relative newcomer to the group and I shamefully chickened out, but what I wanted to say was, "Does it matter?".

I don't have a clear memory as to what this pertains to exactly, but I liked it nonetheless: "I prefer to think of it as "result-oriented," not evil." -Alex Prentiss


Gina said...

Holley, so glad I found your blog! I'm especially interested in the er.. lively discussion that sprang up abut the difference in defining the genre of Boneshaker. Just started in a similar book group myself. I'm going to have to pose this question, because I'm super interested in what they have to say on it. However, I seem to agree with your "does it matter" mentality. I wonder if those of us who don't think it matters are perhaps, less attached to a certain genre, so less interested in defending its purity? hmm.. It's given me a lot to think about!

Holley T said...

most all the participants were advocates of not having to stick to any one set of genre rules...and I agree with you on the idea of those who champion "genrefication" being put out about the blurring of the lines. Another place where I see this is with mysteries, police procedurals and non-paranormal thrillers....where to put them in the collection can sometimes get a little dicey :-)