...and it's a good thing!
So, we are doing a semi-formal biggest loser program at work. $5 buy in for each participant (the sum of which will be awarded to the winner at the end of the 12 week program) and $1 per weighin (awarded to each week's biggest loser by % of body weight), plus the prime parking spot by the dumpster. I know, I know...
I haven't won anything yet except for some additional respect for myself and you know what? I'll take it.
I have exercised at least 30 minutes each day almost every day since March 18th. That is not when we started the program but it is when I had a firm talk with the ol' self and said things had to change and change immediately.
I already rarely eat red meat. I am not interested in following a vegetarian diet so I do eat alot of turkey, chicken and fish.
I have recently become quite studious in avoiding high fructose corn syrup. I watched a documentary called King Corn and that was all she wrote. I haven't been able to avoid it altogether, but I'm always looking for a new product to replace the HFCS one! I have moved away from artificial sweeteners to organic natural sugar and am looking to try some agave syrup if I can find it. The only thing I ever sweeten is my one cup of coffee in the morning so I don't feel like I'm going overboard with cutting out the artificial stuff.
Water, water everywhere..and I drink it. Lots of it. I eat 6-9 servings of fruits and veggies everyday, most of them raw or lightly steamed.
I hope that the way I am living now will shortly be reflected in how I look. I know there are people everyday who look at me and think there is nothing in my lunchbox but a coupon for McDonalds and a twinkie (as if! LoAdEd with HFCS) but I'd like to stack my pantry against theirs and I bet I would win the Gold Star of Healthy Eating a good bit of the time.
I've lost significant amounts of weight before (most recently, 180 lbs about 5 years ago) and failed to keep it off, but something feels different this time and I truly hope it is not just a phase. I want to do different, feel different, and be different. KT and E are participating in the program at work too and I believe we will all benefit from the experience whatever number pops up on the scale!
I bought a pedometer yesterday so I will post a total when I get home for the day!
Very admirable! It's never easy making changes like that. But, a little good ol' fashioned competition makes it easier.
I saw King Corn, too. It was enlightening. I admit, sadly, that my sweet tooth often overpowers my brain!
It's so hard to stay away from HFCS!
I am glad we are being losers together, I just need to get my hands on a pedometer!
I do have a weakness for Reese's PB Cups and the beast must be indulged from time to time but I lost my taste for sodas altogether and I'm quite excited about that!
Get your pedometer and we can pedominate together! (too corny?)
i want to see king corn...but i'm afraid. :(
i don't eat much red meat--i was actually off it for 419 days after reading 'fast food nation', but i don't eat seafood or pork...so chicken and turkey were getting a bit boring.
good luck on the healthy living. i hope everything goes well for you!!!
Unfortunately, the only things I absolutely don't like are tomatoes/tomato based products and liver. I haven't traveled internationally very much so I'm sure there are other things out there but those are the only ones at this point. I spent much of my childhood with my maternal grandparents (they were 7th day adventist so very little meat other than, occasionally, fish and chickne) so I also like soybased products (a 7th day adventist staple) just fine.
Often I think this whole process would be easier if I were culinarily picky...
Good luck! I used to have a pedometer, lost it in the last move, but I loved seeing if I could bet the previous days score.
AS to HFCS check out the "Eat This Not That supermarket guide". I just returned my copy, it was really helpful!
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