Sunday, April 27, 2008

star sighting

As we were on our way to Selma, we watched a DVD about Kathryn Tucker Windham (Kathryn: The Story of a Teller). After lunch, as we were taking our docents from the Selma Chamber of Commerce back to the CoC, one of them said, "Would you like to go by and see Kathryn's house?" Well, of course we all answered in the affirmative AND it turns out that she had her phone number as well. When our big, giant bus pulled up in front of KTW's house, the docent called her. "Kathryn, are you decent? You got clothes on? Well I have a bus out here with about 15 people who'd love to sing you happy birthday. Well, come on out!"
So we all file off the bus and there she is on her porch. She will turn 90 sometime this week. THEN, she says something along the lines of, "Well, since you got off the bus you might as well come in." So we got a tour of her house, saw Jeffrey's rocking chair and saw her Gee's Bend quilts. She was DeLiGhTfUl! And she was cooking squash and onions in her VERY tiny kitchen.

I thought I was taking a picture of her house, but she actually lives in the house to the right of the frame. This is her neighbor, Charlie Lucas, the famous welded sculpture artist.

We had just seen this very image on the DVD!
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I took this picture when I still thought this was KTW's house and then I realized it was Charlie Lucas' house and some of his art outside as well. IMMEDIATELY after I snapped this photo, the battery in my camera went dead. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! So this is all I got of that wonderful visit!


Erica said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE her! she's the best storyteller and such a classy lady!

Holley T said...

she was very nice about letting the 15 strangers crowd around her and look around her house :)