Thursday, March 20, 2008

library archaeology

I found these two notes sitting at one of our computer stations:

To: Cameron
From: Molly
(small map drawn on the paper)
"Here's a map of where I am. Come find me if you need a hug or a kiss. Love, Friend."

To: Cameron
From: Ex-Friend
It simply reads, "I'm moving now so you can't find me using my map. Asshole!"

Ah, the fickle hand of friendship....


Kenny P. said...

Wow! Fickle indeed! I'd say downright bi-polar!!!

I love found objects...keep 'em coming.

Holley T said...

I wish I could have seen the writer and friend/exfriend...Molly, I assume, is a young lady but Cameron is such an androgynous name nowadays.